Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Ohh the excuses we have as moms...
I went to Women of Faith last weekend and one of the speakers talked about how as moms we will always have the excuse "I don't have enough time". Those words often come out of my mouth when it comes to my God time and working out. This can no longer be an excuse for me. There is enough time... God desires us to take care of our bodies as well as spend time in His word. If He desires us to do those things then why would we not have enough time?
I came back from Women of Faith and have made my quite time/ Life Journaling a priority. As well as starting this last Sunday I started running again. I love how refreshed and renewed I feel after spending time basking in His presence. I also have tons more energy after I workout.
I am learning I do have time as a mommy to take care of myself.
I challenge you to stop using the excuse you don't have time!