Tuesday, January 17, 2012


As I started today I felt a bit overwhelmed. A sick little boy at home, a little girl who is into anything and everything, and a 3rd little firecracker on the way. SInce I found out we are expecting number three I have had many days of wondering HOW IN THE WORLD AM I GONNA DO THIS! I don't feel adequate as a mommy to the two God has already blessed me with. Then I read an encouraging article that spoke straight to my heart. (Posted on my facebook if you are interested) 
When I was a little girl playing dress-up and house I always imagined myself as the wife who always greeted her husband with a kiss and dinner perfectly on the table. As a mom I would always have time for my kids and there was no question if I had enough patience because of course I did. My pretend time as a little girl consisted of me being the PERFECT stay at home wife and mommy. Everything would always be clean and tidy, dinner would never have a "weird taste", and of course it would be on the table promptly at 5. Ohh the dreams of a little girl who didn't know that the "S" truly was not painted on my chest. 
Let me tell you how life is wearing my big girl panties... I did marry my prince charming, I am a full-time working mommy (which I do love), dinner often has a funky "opps I forgot 5 ingredients" taste, I  often forget to look at my husband a greet him with a smile let alone a kiss, and somehow the laundry multiplies with the simple act of closing the closet doors. But, I wouldn't trade my life for anything. Yes it is nowhere near perfect and it never will be. Some moments I want to lock myself in the bathroom just to have a piece of chocolate in pure silence (I have done this). But, at the end of the day when I see the joy in my children's eyes... I am BLESSED.

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